Soul Full of Stars


By Bree Lauren
Goodreads ¦ Amazon
Series?: Yes, Soulful #1
Publisher: Bree Lauren
Release Date: August 22, 2017
Length: 347 pages
Format: Paperback
Times Read: Once (but I’m sure I’ll read again)
Rating: 5 Enthusiastic Stars

Before I start my review, and in the interest of full disclosure, I consider Bree Lauren to be a friend. She was one of the first bloggers I “met” on Goodreads. She’s been very encouraging to me as I started my own blog and I absolutely adore her! That said, I would never let me friendship with an author color my review so everything I am about to write is 100% honest and unbiased.

That said…. I haven’t read a book in a long time that made me swoon so hard!

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So Sonnet Cole is our heroine. Everyone calls her Sonnie. She is a spoken word poet who likes to write what she calls “poetic sexts” and send them to her best friend, Vaughn. He doesn’t seem to appreciate them, so she decides to send one to a virtual stranger. She sends this:

“I’m the sweat pooling between your shoulder blades, the sheets tangled among your calves, the tongue at your collarbone, and the sigh caught between your lips. I am everything you dream about when waking, aching.”

I know right??? That’s one poetic sext! What’s really crazy? He. Answers. Her!

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I was hooked by the concept.

I love, love, LOVED the poetry in this book. Lauren’s writing, even in prose is so lyrical and descriptive. I really got into it! It was just beautifully written.

And I had real appreciation for the characters too. Sonnie reminds me so much of my  best friend growing up. She’s creative and blunt and funny. I love her relationship with her two friends, Vaughn and Connor. She’s also got a beautiful relationship with her sister, Lyra. All the characters feel like genuine people with real friendships! None of the conversations felt fake, even when our hero was delivering swoon-worthy lines.

I like a romance hero as much as anyone else, but don’t you sometimes just want to roll your eyes and say, “Real men don’t talk like that!” Not in Lauren’s book. The guys talk like… well, guys! And sometimes so does Sonnie – just like a woman with two guys best friends would!

For the longest time I thought Vaughn might be the one who was texting her, but in secret. I found myself telling her (you know, cuz she’s my friend and all), “Sonnie, wake up! Vaughn is the one you are supposed to be with!”

I vacillated back and forth between who I thought was Sonnie’s soul mate. I’m not giving any spoilers here, but I was very happy with the book’s resolution. As soon as I finished I ran to my email to ask Bree when she was writing another book! Good news. She says she’s working on it!

In the meantime, I will be rereading Soul Full of Stars because, guys, It. Is. So. Good!

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Yeah, my friend wrote it. But even if she didn’t, I’d still give this book all the stars in the sky! So. Good!

Ultimate_Reading_Challenge_smallOh! I almost forgot…. Not only did I love the book, but I really loved the cover! So Soul Full of Stars will be my July submission to the Reading Frenzy Ultimate Reading Challenge (A Book With a Cover You Love).


  1. […] I finished Love and Gelato, so look for a review of that soon. Before that was Bree Lauren’s Soul Full of Stars. Spoiler alert: I freaking loved it. And before that? Another five-star-worthy book, From Lukov […]


  2. Yayyyyyyy!! I’m doing the BIGGEST happy dance!

    I’m so glad you enjoyed the book! You know how much I cherish your opinion since you and I have very similar tastes.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] And this incredible review by my dear friend Ginny (who I swear won my book giveaway fair and square, despite my biased towards her. :P) Ginny was pretty much the target audience for my novel since she and I have an eerily similar taste in books. I wrote what and how I like to read, so her thoughts on my book meant a lot to me. When I saw her review and heard about how much she enjoyed the book, I felt like I’d accomplished what I set out to do: create fun characters with interesting relationships and a swoony story for readers like me… with some poetry thrown in because, well, I’ll take any excuse to write poetry 🙂 […]


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